Novel perspectives, noble conversations, nodal points on the path to clarity and truth.

You switch between apps while sitting in your desk chair. You flit between songs on your commute to work. Your thoughts flit back and forth much the same way every moment, like a fly stuck in a room bouncing from window to wall to waste-bin. The only thing that puts a halt to all the searching is conversation. You never know what’ll happen in conversation. You never know what you might even say. You’re looking for human novelty, new perspectives.

Your head is a torch that’s lit by words online. You are chronically unburnt, you want to become a great, unstoppable conflagration. You want human conversation. You want to hear words that turn your forehead into the gleaming sun. You want to shift the frame and be carried away by talking.

NeoNarrative is based around this idea. Novel perspectives, noble conversations, nodal points on the path to clarity and truth. That’s why we’re alive, it’s what we’re here for. We’re going to give it to you.

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A New Way of Knowing


Read something special
Krzysztof Tyszka-Drozdowski is a writer from Poland.